lundi 30 août 2010

Sarah in her garden

This is my first picture with the new colour instant film made by "Impossible Project".

samedi 14 août 2010

Holga - Forest Dream 2

This picture has been taken at 3 PM in the summer. The light was very bright, but the Holga lens turns it to a mysterious landscape. In the labo I enhanced the contrast to concentrate the attention on the body.

vendredi 13 août 2010

jeudi 12 août 2010

Sur la beauté

Experiencing beauty leads to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. In its most profound sense, beauty may engender a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence. An 'object of beauty' is anything that reveals or resonates with personal meaning.

From The Eye of the Beholder

mercredi 11 août 2010

Hors série de Psychologies

Un nouvel hors-série du magazine Psychologies est paru, avec des nouvelles érotiques inédites d'Alina Reyes, Olivia Ruiz, Camille Laurens et des textes classiques de Baudelaire, Apollinaire, Rimbaud.

mardi 10 août 2010

lundi 9 août 2010

Un monolithe dans un espace blanc

Loft Hamburg, located in a restored building in Winterhude district of Hamburg, is a private 118 square-meter residence designed by Graft. The focal point of the high-ceilinged and otherwise white space is a large pod paneled with walnut. The pod contains the residence’s kitchen and bathroom, hides its central heating, cooling and plumbing, and even provides some cupboards and bookshelves. The owner was looking to use a wide variety of materials, and the walnut pod contrasts beautifully with the soft fabrics, leather and natural stone used elsewhere in the loft.

dimanche 8 août 2010

samedi 7 août 2010

Impossible Picture 2

Model Yiting Sung Brussels

vendredi 6 août 2010

The Tree Hotel in Sweden

The Treehotel made its debut recently in Harads, Sweden about 37 miles south of the arctic circle. The hotel is made up of four rooms: the Cabin, the Blue Cone, the Nest and the Mirrorcube pictured above. The project was conceived by tree hotel co-founder Kent Lindvall and his wife Britta. Two additional structures are scheduled to open in October: the UFO and a room with a view.

mercredi 4 août 2010

Impossible Picture 1

The Impossible Project instant films are so unpredictable. Light conditions, temperature affects so much the result. You never know the picture you will get. On this serie the Belgian model Centa Pieters.